Fishing in Uruguay. River fishing trips. We show you the best captures that you can catch here, in Uruguay rivers. Pesca deportiva en Uruguay, América del Sur. Les mostramos algunas de las pescas que se pueden realizar en los ríos de ésta región, y comprueben la naturaleza del Sur. Todas las pescas son Catch & Release (captura y devolución), conservando la vida de nuestro planeta.
Golden fish - Dorado
Captured by spinning, with Yuri lure, and the secret is: early in the morning (6:30AM).
This fish weighed 3,5kg.
The place is: Black river in Uruguay.
Este es el Dorado, el pez de tus sueños.
Capturado con spinning, con señuelo marca Yo Zuri, y el secreto es: que sea temprano en la mañana (6:30AM).
Esta captura pesó 3,5kg. El lugar es: el Río Negro en Uruguay.
Río típico
En el río Yi
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Pescador del Sur - Rey de los Ríos
Experience adrenalin-pounding Canadian Sportfishing action. Master Guide with thirty years experience with gives all out effort. Pinpoints the best time and place to fish.
Alaska Fishing Charter - Exhilarating Alaska fishing charters for trophy salmon, halibut and giant lingcod. Master Guide Steve Zernia gives all out effort. Experience heart-pounding sportfishing action.
Kuuloa Kai Fishing, Hawaii - Experience heart pounding big game sport fishing. Sportfish Haleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii - North Shore - with Captain Rusty Spencer, for blue marlin, wahoo, mahimahi and yellowfin tuna with friendly experienced crew aboard well equipped 31-foot Bertram.
California Fishing Guide - Experience heart pounding sport fishing action. Catch more Kings. California fishing guide with thirty years experience gives all out fishing effort.
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Fishing Directory
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One of the web's largest boating and fishing link derectories. Whether
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Fishing Information
Fishing.Us, Fishing Information Resource and internet fishing community.
Deep Sea Fishing at - Offering fishing charters, detailed sport fishing reports, and a featured sportsman's forum for all anglers and fishing enthusiasts from Alaska to Florida.
Products and information to help save you time and catch more fish. Go fishing with JRW!
Check out detailed fishing reports and know what the pros know. Freshwater - Saltwater - Largemouth Bass, Striper, Trout, Flounder reports posted by top charter boat Captains, professional fishing guides, and private anglers from fishing hotspots around the globe.
Grupo de Discusión de Pesca con Mosca
Pesca Deportiva Argentina en Internet
Mosqueados Blog humorístico sobre la pesca
Apoyen colegas: Recuperemos el Dorado en el Yi - Vamos por el Salminus maxillosus
Links de Pesca
Skagway Alaska fishing charters for trophy salmon and lingcod. Master Guide Greg Jones gives all out effort. Experience heart-pounding sportfishing action.
Experience adrenalin-pounding Canadian Sportfishing action. Master Guide with thirty years experience with gives all out effort. Pinpoints the best time and place to fish.
Alaska Fishing Charter - Exhilarating Alaska fishing charters for trophy salmon, halibut and giant lingcod. Master Guide Steve Zernia gives all out effort. Experience heart-pounding sportfishing action.
Kuuloa Kai Fishing, Hawaii - Experience heart pounding big game sport fishing. Sportfish Haleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii - North Shore - with Captain Rusty Spencer, for blue marlin, wahoo, mahimahi and yellowfin tuna with friendly experienced crew aboard well equipped 31-foot Bertram.
California Fishing Guide - Experience heart pounding sport fishing action. Catch more Kings. California fishing guide with thirty years experience gives all out fishing effort.Fishing Links Galore Thousands of links to great freshwater and saltwater fishing sites. Guides, Charters, Resorts, Lodges, Clubs, Organizations, Fly fishing, Fishing products, Fish Species, Magazines, General fishing information and much more.
Rifle Scope Reviews - This is the only place you can find comprehensive reviews of hunting and fishing gear submitted by actual users. Search our database of user submitted reviews for all kinds of outdoor equipment
Fishing DirectoryFishing Information Fishing.Us, Fishing Information Resource and internet fishing community.
Deep Sea Fishing at - Offering fishing charters, detailed sport fishing reports, and a featured sportsman's forum for all anglers and fishing enthusiasts from Alaska to Florida.Products and information to help save you time and catch more fish. Go fishing with JRW!
Check out detailed fishing reports and know what the pros know. Freshwater - Saltwater - Largemouth Bass, Striper, Trout, Flounder reports posted by top charter boat Captains, professional fishing guides, and private anglers from fishing hotspots around the globe.
Grupo de Discusión de Pesca con Mosca
Pesca Deportiva Argentina en Internet
Mosqueados Blog humorístico sobre la pesca