3er Torneo de la Tararira

El 12 y 13 de Diciembre de 2009 se desarrollará el
3er torneo de la Tararira en la Estancia Turística Gallos Blancos.
Inscripciones Gratuitas.
Premios: motor eléctrico y muchos otros premios.
Inscripciones: 099235281 - 099360890 - 06604760.

4 comentarios:

Josiño dijo...

Suerte a los participantes, y que se capturen buenas tarariras.

JM dijo...

Gracias José.
Te invito a ver la zona por google earth. Te paso las coordenadas.
Lat 32°44'31.35"S
Long 56°38'0.73"O


Anónimo dijo...

Hola JM mira t escribo de argentina (ya t deje unos comentarios en otros post) me llamo lucas y tengo muchas ganas de ir al yi a pescar tararias...te dejo mi mail asi nos ponemos en contacto y me contas un poco mas del lugar.



Anónimo dijo...

te reto a ver quien pesca más igualdad d3e condiciones, igual embarcación, reel libre e igual numero de ñinos al cuidado nuestro, vas a ir?

Apoyen colegas: Recuperemos el Dorado en el Yi - Vamos por el Salminus maxillosus

Links de Pesca

Pescador Rabioso - Alaska Fly In Fishing - We offer the ultimate fly in fishing trip on the famed Nushagak River for King Salmon and day trips for Sockeye & Silver Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Arctic Grayling, Lake Trout, Pike and Char.

Skagway  Fishing Charter, AlaskaSkagway Alaska fishing charters for trophy salmon and lingcod. Master Guide Greg Jones gives all out effort. Experience heart-pounding sportfishing action.

Canada Fishing CharterExperience adrenalin-pounding Canadian Sportfishing action. Master Guide with thirty years experience with gives all out effort. Pinpoints the best time and place to fish.

Alaska Fishing CharterAlaska Fishing Charter - Exhilarating Alaska fishing charters for trophy salmon, halibut and giant lingcod. Master Guide Steve Zernia gives all out effort. Experience heart-pounding sportfishing action.

Kuuloa Kai Fishing, HawaiiKuuloa Kai Fishing, Hawaii - Experience heart pounding big game sport fishing. Sportfish Haleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii - North Shore - with Captain Rusty Spencer, for blue marlin, wahoo, mahimahi and yellowfin tuna with friendly experienced crew aboard well equipped 31-foot Bertram.

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Fishing Links Galore Thousands of links to great freshwater and saltwater fishing sites. Guides, Charters, Resorts, Lodges, Clubs, Organizations, Fly fishing, Fishing products, Fish Species, Magazines, General fishing information and much more.

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Fishing Directory

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Fishing Information Fishing.Us, Fishing Information Resource and internet fishing community.

Deep Sea Fishing at FinTalk.com - Offering fishing charters, detailed sport fishing reports, and a featured sportsman's forum for all anglers and fishing enthusiasts from Alaska to Florida.

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